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高中321班《My Class》!

07 Aug 2010

依然清晰记得那个圣诞晚会,我们8人最后上去唱着这首歌,全场惊动! 也许我们唱得并不好,但是凭着这个PPT我们赢得了第一名(奖品是加强版超级无敌大包洗衣粉,呵呵,够用几个月了),当然我们付出了很多。还记得那时天天带MP3练歌,在数理化课上改歌词,中午晚上躲着宿管练歌……可惜现在那只是一场永久的回忆了!


做这个用了不少时间,27次失败后才做成的,挺麻烦的(虽然远比不上爱迪生。。。 )。。。

They little girls, we pretty boys, are sitting at a class

花样少女 意气少年 同在一班上

Youth are gone, FeiYing’s getting so fatter

青春正逝 肥莹一天天Fat起来

I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where we are


the days we have,the song we sang together oh yeah


And love my class. hands’re holding on forever


living in a class that lights my heart

铭心刻骨 是此班照亮我的心房

So I set a big big goal, and hope my dream will take me there


where the hopes are flew running hand in hand

在希冀放飞之地 我们一同奔跑

Open heart from souls to souls to found a class we love the most

敞开心扉,从心到心 崛起一个最爱的班级

when the dreams come true to see you once again

梦圆之时 我们再次相聚

my class

An mp3 an mp4 an itouch in my hands

MP3 MP4 还有ITOUCH 就在手中

But I can’t stop to keep myself from playing. oh no!

我就是不能 静下调皮的心

I want a house I want a wife I wonder where they are

我的理想之家 梦中女郎 你们究竟在哪

the aims we set the shore we seek together.oh yeah


And love my class. hands’re holding on forever


living in a class that lights my heart

铭心刻骨 是此班照亮我的心房

So I set a big big goal, and hope my dream will take me there


where the hopes are flew running hand in hand

在希冀放飞之地 我们一同奔跑

my class

Open heart from souls to souls to found a class we love the most

敞开心扉,从心到心 崛起一个最爱的班级

when the dreams come true to see you once again

梦圆之时 我们再次相聚

To hold you in my arms!

To promise you my love!

To tell you from my heart!

You’re all I’m thinking of!

living in a class that lights my heart

铭心刻骨 是此班照亮我的心房

So I set a big big goal, and hope my dream will take me there


where the hopes are flew running hand in hand

在希冀放飞之地 我们一同奔跑

Open heart from souls to souls to found a class we love the most

敞开心扉,从心到心 崛起一个最爱的班级

when the dreams come true to see you once again

梦圆之时 我们再次相聚

So I set a big big goal, and hope my dream will take me there


where the hopes are flew running hand in hand

在希冀放飞之地 我们一同奔跑

Open heart from souls to souls to found a class we love the most

敞开心扉,从心到心 崛起一个最爱的班级

when the dreams come true to see you once again

梦圆之时 我们再次相聚

my class

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